/home/runner/work/beluga/beluga/beluga_ros/include/beluga_ros Directory Reference#
Beluga ROS
beluga_ros Directory Reference
Files | |
file | amcl.hpp [code] |
Generic two-dimensional implementation of the Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization (AMCL) algorithm in 2D. | |
file | beluga_ros.hpp [code] |
Includes all the Beluga ROS API. | |
file | laser_scan.hpp [code] |
Implementation of sensor_msgs/LaserScan wrapper type. | |
file | ndt_ellipsoid.hpp [code] |
Utilities for NDT I/O over ROS interfaces. | |
file | occupancy_grid.hpp [code] |
Implementation of nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid wrapper type. | |
file | particle_cloud.hpp [code] |
Utilities for particle cloud I/O over ROS interfaces. | |
file | point_cloud.hpp [code] |
Implementation of sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 wrapper type for messages with memory-aligned strides. | |
file | sparse_point_cloud.hpp [code] |
Implementation of sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 wrapper type for messages without alignment constraints on the stride. | |
file | tf2_eigen.hpp [code] |
Message conversion API overloads for Eigen types. | |
file | tf2_sophus.hpp [code] |
Message conversion API overloads for Sophus types. | |
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