Using Beluga with Nav2#

Short video of the integration of beluga_amcl with nav2.


Nav2 is a ROS 2 framework that includes several components for robot navigation. One of these components is the localization system, typically nav2_amcl.

This tutorial will demonstrate how to use beluga_amcl in place for nav2_amcl.

To keep it simple, we have built this tutorial on top of the Nav2 Getting Started Guide. We will use the same simulated TurtleBot 3 robot and environment.



This tutorial targets ROS 2 Humble.

Install ROS 2 Humble, Beluga, and Nav2.

Create the workspace#

Since we are using ROS 2, we need to create a workspace. Open a terminal and run the following command:

mkdir -p ~/beluga_demo_ws/src

beluga_demo_nav2 package#

Clone beluga_demo#

The beluga_demo is a public repository where you can find the beluga_demo_nav2 package, among others.

Clone the Ekumen-OS/beluga-demos repository in your workspace:

cd ~/beluga_demo_ws/src
git clone

For this tutorial, we will only use the beluga_demo_nav2 package in that repository. This package contains all the necessary files to launch the simulation.


Since beluga_amcl is feature-wise compatible with nav2_amcl (as thoroughly discussed in the beluga_amcl ROS 2 reference page), we can just swap beluga_amcl for nav2_amcl:

beluga_amcl component in from beluga_demo_nav2 package.

Loading beluga_amcl composable node, provided by the beluga_demo_nav2 package.#

nav2_amcl component in from nav2_bringup package.

Loading of nav2_amcl composable node, provided by the nav2_bringup package.#

That is what the beluga_demo_nav2 package does. Even the same parameter file can be used unchanged, though beluga_demo_nav2 does apply a few minimal changes to better configure beluga_amcl, as explained in its reference page.

Run the example#

Build the workspace:

source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
cd ~/beluga_demo_ws
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-up-to beluga_demo_nav2

Launch the system:

source install/local_setup.bash
ros2 launch beluga_demo_nav2

You should see rviz2 open with a map loaded and the robot initialized in an incorrect position. You should also see Gazebo open with both TurtleBot 3 world and robot spawned.

beluga_amcl component in from beluga_demo_nav2 package. beluga_amcl component in from beluga_demo_nav2 package.


If the robot is not spawned in gazebo, check the GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH environment variable set in the file.

You can use rviz2 tools to set the correct initial pose of the robot and to navigate the robot around the map.


This tutorial integrates Beluga and Nav2 for a simulated TurtleBot 3 on ROS 2 Humble. You may also try using Beluga on other supported ROS 2 versions, with different types of robots.