Using Beluga AMCL#


Before we jump in, let’s make sure you’ve got everything you need:

  • Hardware Requirements:

    • Processor: a dual-core x86-64 CPU should be enough to handle real-time localization.

    • Memory: at least 2 GB of RAM to comfortably run ROS 2 and AMCL, plus other tasks.

    • Storage: ensure you have around 4 GB of free storage for ROS 2 and mapping data.

    • Sensors:

      • 2D LiDAR: scans are essential for localization as Beluga AMCL uses them to match against a known map.

      • Odometry: some ego-motion estimation is also necessary (e.g. wheel encoder-based odometry).

  • Software Requirements:

    • OS: you can use either Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) or Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa).

    • ROS 2: you can use either ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill or ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco.


Most localization and SLAM packages in ROS 2 that take 2D LiDAR scans expect them published as sensor_msgs/LaserScan messages over the /scan topic. Likewise, these packages also expect odometry broadcasted as odom to base_link transforms over tf. That is the case for Beluga AMCL as well. Make sure your system follows this convention before using Beluga AMCL, or take the necessary steps to reconfigure Beluga AMCL to match your own conventions.

Setting things up#

  1. Install Beluga by following its installation guide.

  2. Install additional packages like SLAM Toolbox and the Nav2 map_server:

    sudo apt install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-slam-toolbox ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-map-server

    You will need these for mapping work.


Remember to source your ROS 2 environment to use it:

source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash

Mapping the environment#

Before the robot can localize using Beluga AMCL, we need a map of the environment. Here’s how you can create one:

  1. Launch SLAM Toolbox, a widely adopted SLAM system:

    ros2 launch slam_toolbox
  2. Drive the robot around, and make sure you cover all the areas you want included in the map. As the robot moves, SLAM Toolbox will incrementally build a map. You can visualize this using Rviz:

    ros2 run rviz2 rviz2

    Make sure to add the Map display and point it to the /map topic using a transient local durability policy.

  3. Save the map when you are satisfied with coverage:

    ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f ~/map

    This will create two files: map.yaml and map.pgm, which represent the map’s metadata and image, respectively.

Configuring Beluga AMCL#

Let’s put everything together in one cohesive configuration.

editor beluga.launch.xml

Here’s a sample launch file in XML format you can use:

    <arg name="map_path" description="Path to you map.yaml file." />

    <!-- Load map -->
    <node pkg="nav2_map_server" exec="map_server" name="map_server" output="screen">
        <param name="yaml_filename" value="$(var map_path)" />

    <!-- Start AMCL -->
    <node pkg="beluga" exec="amcl" name="amcl" output="screen"/>

Running Beluga AMCL#

Now, it’s time to run Beluga on your robot!

  1. Launch your system and your custom launch file alongside with it:

    ros2 launch beluga.launch.xml
  2. Verify your robot is properly localized using rviz2:

    ros2 run rviz2 rviz2

    Use map as your global fixed frame. Use the Map and LaserScan displays to assess your robot localization. If scans and map do not line up, use the 2D Pose Estimate tool to reset your robot pose. You can also use PoseArray and MarkerArray displays to visualize the particle cloud. When moving, it should quickly converge near the robot’s true pose.

  3. Tweak Beluga AMCL as necessary if localization isn’t as accurate as expected. For example, you can:

    • Adjust the number of particles. If localization is unstable (e.g., the robot’s position jumps), consider increasing the minimum number of particles (min_particles) to improve the pose estimate. If localization is slow (especially in large environments), consider lowering the maximum number of particles (max_particles) to reduce the computational load.

    • Tune the odometry noise model. If your odometry source is noisy and localization drifts, consider updating odom_alpha1 thru odom_alpha5 to better reflect that noise.

    • Tune the sensor model. If you LiDAR is noisy, consider increasing z_rand to account for bad range measurements.


Some common issues you may find along the way include:

  1. Beluga AMCL fails to converge

    • Symptom: the particle cloud doesn’t cluster around the robot’s true pose.

    • Possible causes:

      • Incorrect LiDAR or odometry data.

      • Map doesn’t match the actual environment.

    • Crosschecks:

      • Verify the /scan topic data is correct using ros2 topic echo /scan.

      • Verify the odom to base_link transforms are correct using ros2 run tf2_ros tf2_echo odom base_link.

      • Verify the base_link to lidar transforms are correct using ros2 run tf2_ros tf2_echo base_link lidar.

      • Check the map matches the actual environment.

  2. Robot’s estimated pose is inaccurate

    • Symptom: the robot’s displayed pose doesn’t match its actual pose.

    • Possible causes:

      • Odometry drift.

      • Incorrect transformations between frames.

      • Blurry or distorted map.

    • Crosschecks:

      • Calibrate your robot’s odometry.

      • Ensure all tf frames are correctly defined.

      • Map the environment again.