Beluga ROS

Beluga ROS#

Beluga ROS: API Reference
Beluga ROS
API Reference

This is the API reference for Beluga ROS. It provides utilities to aid Beluga integration with ROS and ROS 2.


Explore the library's components:

Generic filters

Generic MCL implementations ready for ROS integration.

beluga_ros::Amcl 2D lidar Adaptive MCL algorithm, functionally equivalent to that of Nav2 AMCL.

Data structures

Thin, Beluga-compatible wrappers for typical ROS data structures (usually messages).

beluga_ros::LaserScan A beluga::BaseLaserScan subclass that wraps sensor_msgs/LaserScan messages.
beluga_ros::OccupancyGrid A beluga::BaseOccupancyGrid2 subclass that wraps nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid messages.


particle_cloud.hpp APIs for particle cloud I/O over ROS interfaces.
tf2_eigen.hpp tf2 message conversion API overloads for Eigen types.
tf2_sophus.hpp tf2 message conversion API overloads for Sophus types.