Amcl Class Reference

Amcl Class Reference#

Beluga ROS: beluga_ros::Amcl Class Reference
Beluga ROS
beluga_ros::Amcl Class Reference

#include <amcl.hpp>

Public Types

using particle_type = std::tuple< Sophus::SE2d, beluga::Weight >
 Weighted SE(2) state particle type.
using motion_model_variant = std::variant< beluga::DifferentialDriveModel2d, beluga::OmnidirectionalDriveModel, beluga::StationaryModel >
 Motion model variant type for runtime selection support.
using sensor_model_variant = std::variant< beluga::LikelihoodFieldModel< beluga_ros::OccupancyGrid >, beluga::BeamSensorModel< beluga_ros::OccupancyGrid > >
 Sensor model variant type for runtime selection support.
using execution_policy_variant = std::variant< std::execution::sequenced_policy, std::execution::parallel_policy >
 Execution policy variant type for runtime selection support.

Public Member Functions

 Amcl (beluga_ros::OccupancyGrid map, motion_model_variant motion_model, sensor_model_variant sensor_model, const AmclParams &params=AmclParams(), execution_policy_variant execution_policy=std::execution::seq)
 Constructor. More...
const auto & particles () const
 Returns a reference to the current set of particles.
template<class Distribution >
void initialize (Distribution distribution)
 Initialize particles using a custom distribution.
void initialize (Sophus::SE2d pose, Sophus::Matrix3d covariance)
 Initialize particles with a given pose and covariance. More...
void initialize_from_map ()
 Initialize particles using the default map distribution.
void update_map (beluga_ros::OccupancyGrid map)
 Update the map used for localization.
auto update (Sophus::SE2d base_pose_in_odom, beluga_ros::LaserScan laser_scan) -> std::optional< std::pair< Sophus::SE2d, Sophus::Matrix3d >>
 Update particles based on motion and sensor information. More...
void force_update ()
 Force a manual update of the particles on the next iteration of the filter.

Detailed Description

Implementation of the 2D Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization (AMCL) algorithm. Generic two-dimensional implementation of the Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization (AMCL) algorithm in 2D.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Amcl()

beluga_ros::Amcl::Amcl ( beluga_ros::OccupancyGrid  map,
motion_model_variant  motion_model,
sensor_model_variant  sensor_model,
const AmclParams params = AmclParams(),
execution_policy_variant  execution_policy = std::execution::seq 


mapOccupancy grid map.
motion_modelVariant of motion model.
sensor_modelVariant of sensor model.
paramsParameters for AMCL implementation.
execution_policyVariant of execution policy.

Member Function Documentation

◆ initialize()

void beluga_ros::Amcl::initialize ( Sophus::SE2d  pose,
Sophus::Matrix3d  covariance 

Initialize particles with a given pose and covariance.

std::runtime_errorIf the provided covariance is invalid.

◆ update()

auto beluga_ros::Amcl::update ( Sophus::SE2d  base_pose_in_odom,
beluga_ros::LaserScan  laser_scan 
) -> std::optional<std::pair<Sophus::SE2d, Sophus::Matrix3d>>

Update particles based on motion and sensor information.

This method performs a particle filter update step using motion and sensor data. It evaluates whether an update is necessary based on the configured update policy and the force_update flag. If an update is required, the motion model and sensor model updates are applied to the particles, and the particle weights are adjusted accordingly. Also, according to the configured resampling policy, the particles are resampled to maintain diversity and prevent degeneracy.

base_pose_in_odomBase pose in the odometry frame.
laser_scanLaser scan data.
An optional pair containing the estimated pose and covariance after the update, or std::nullopt if no update was performed.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • /home/runner/work/beluga/beluga/beluga_ros/include/beluga_ros/amcl.hpp