AmclNodelet Class Reference#
Beluga AMCL
Protected Types |
Protected Member Functions |
Static Protected Member Functions |
Protected Attributes |
List of all members
beluga_amcl::AmclNodelet Class Reference
2D AMCL as a ROS (1) nodelet. More...
#include <amcl_nodelet.hpp>
Inheritance diagram for beluga_amcl::AmclNodelet:
Collaboration diagram for beluga_amcl::AmclNodelet:
Protected Types | |
using | AmclConfigServer = dynamic_reconfigure::Server< beluga_amcl::AmclConfig > |
Type alias for a dynamic_reconfigure::Server bound to beluga_amcl configuration. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | onInit () override |
Callback for nodelet initialization. | |
auto | get_initial_estimate () const -> std::optional< std::pair< Sophus::SE2d, Eigen::Matrix3d >> |
Get initial pose estimate from parameters if set. | |
auto | get_motion_model (std::string_view) const -> beluga_ros::Amcl::motion_model_variant |
Get motion model as per current parametrization. | |
auto | get_sensor_model (std::string_view, const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr &) const -> beluga_ros::Amcl::sensor_model_variant |
Get sensor model as per current parametrization. | |
auto | make_particle_filter (const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr &) const -> std::unique_ptr< beluga_ros::Amcl > |
Instantiate particle filter given an initial occupancy grid map and the current parametrization. | |
void | config_callback (beluga_amcl::AmclConfig &config, uint32_t level) |
Callback for dynamic_reconfigure updates. | |
void | map_callback (const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr &message) |
Callback for occupancy grid map updates. | |
void | map_timer_callback (const ros::TimerEvent &ev) |
Callback for repeated map initialization requests. | |
bool | set_map_callback (nav_msgs::SetMap::Request &request, nav_msgs::SetMap::Response &response) |
Callback for the map update service. | |
void | handle_map_with_default_initial_pose (const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr &map) |
Particle filter (re)initialization helper method. | |
void | particle_cloud_timer_callback (const ros::TimerEvent &ev) |
Callback for periodic particle cloud updates. | |
void | laser_callback (const sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr &laser_scan) |
Callback for laser scan updates. | |
void | initial_pose_callback (const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped::ConstPtr &message) |
Callback for pose (re)initialization. | |
bool | global_localization_callback (std_srvs::Empty::Request &request, std_srvs::Empty::Response &response) |
Callback for the global relocalization service. | |
bool | nomotion_update_callback (std_srvs::Empty::Request &request, std_srvs::Empty::Response &response) |
Callback for the no motion update service. | |
void | save_pose_timer_callback (const ros::TimerEvent &ev) |
Callback for periodic pose saving. | |
bool | initialize_from_estimate (const std::pair< Sophus::SE2d, Eigen::Matrix3d > &estimate) |
Initialize particles from an estimated pose and covariance. More... | |
bool | initialize_from_map () |
Initialize particles from map. More... | |
void | update_covariance_diagnostics (diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper &status) |
Callback for estimated pose covariance diagnostics. | |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static auto | get_execution_policy (std::string_view) -> beluga_ros::Amcl::execution_policy_variant |
Get execution policy given its name. | |
Protected Attributes | |
std::mutex | mutex_ |
Mutex for particle filter access. | |
ros::Timer | particle_cloud_timer_ |
Timer for periodic particle cloud updates. | |
ros::Publisher | particle_cloud_pub_ |
Particle cloud publisher. | |
ros::Publisher | pose_pub_ |
Estimated pose publisher. | |
ros::Timer | save_pose_timer_ |
Timer for pose saving. | |
ros::Subscriber | initial_pose_sub_ |
Pose (re)initialization subscriber. | |
ros::Subscriber | map_sub_ |
Occupancy grid map updates subscriber. | |
ros::Timer | map_timer_ |
Timer for repeated map initialization requests. | |
ros::ServiceServer | set_map_server_ |
Map update service server. | |
ros::ServiceClient | get_map_client_ |
Map initialization service client. | |
ros::ServiceServer | global_localization_server_ |
Global relocalization service server. | |
ros::ServiceServer | nomotion_update_server_ |
No motion update service server. | |
bool | configured_ {false} |
Flag set on first configuration. | |
beluga_amcl::AmclConfig | config_ |
Current beluga_amcl configuration. | |
beluga_amcl::AmclConfig | default_config_ |
Default beluga_amcl configuration. | |
std::unique_ptr< AmclConfigServer > | config_server_ |
beluga_amcl configuration server. | |
std::unique_ptr< tf2_ros::Buffer > | tf_buffer_ |
Transforms buffer. | |
std::unique_ptr< tf2_ros::TransformBroadcaster > | tf_broadcaster_ |
Transforms broadcaster. | |
std::unique_ptr< tf2_ros::TransformListener > | tf_listener_ |
Transforms listener. | |
diagnostic_updater::Updater | diagnosic_updater_ |
Diagnostics updater. | |
message_filters::Subscriber< sensor_msgs::LaserScan > | laser_scan_sub_ |
Laser scan updates subscriber. | |
std::unique_ptr< tf2_ros::MessageFilter< sensor_msgs::LaserScan > > | laser_scan_filter_ |
Transform synchronization filter for laser scan updates. | |
message_filters::Connection | laser_scan_connection_ |
Connection for laser scan updates filter and callback. | |
std::unique_ptr< beluga_ros::Amcl > | particle_filter_ |
Particle filter instance. | |
std::optional< std::pair< Sophus::SE2d, Eigen::Matrix3d > > | last_known_estimate_ |
Last known pose estimate, if any. | |
std::optional< Sophus::SE2d > | last_known_odom_transform_in_map_ |
Last known map to odom correction estimate, if any. | |
nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid::ConstPtr | last_known_map_ |
Last known occupancy grid map. | |
bool | enable_tf_broadcast_ {false} |
Whether to broadcast transforms or not. | |
Detailed Description
2D AMCL as a ROS (1) nodelet.
Member Function Documentation
◆ initialize_from_estimate()
protected |
Initialize particles from an estimated pose and covariance.
If an exception occurs during the initialization, an error message is logged, and the initialization process is also aborted, returning false. If the initialization is successful, the TF broadcast is enabled.
- Parameters
estimate A pair representing the estimated pose and covariance for initialization.
- Returns
- True if the initialization is successful, false otherwise.
◆ initialize_from_map()
protected |
Initialize particles from map.
If an exception occurs during the initialization, an error message is logged, and the initialization process is also aborted, returning false. If the initialization is successful, the TF broadcast is enabled.
- Returns
- True if the initialization is successful, false otherwise.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- /home/runner/work/beluga/beluga/beluga_amcl/include/beluga_amcl/amcl_nodelet.hpp
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